Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
What was our role, that we were more than happy to play?
Our role in a few words:
• From the very beginning of the project, we helped to define a “translation” investment strategy, by analysing the different optimisations and assisting the decision-making process. We worked together to find the best balance of costs, quality and deadlines.
• Once the budget and our support had both been decided upon, we were put into contact with three player types:
- The marketing team to establish all the elements of the brand positioning (style guide, key elements, slogans, etc.).
- The IT team to establish the export process (and its optimisation, in terms of formats and segmentation preparation) and reimport process of the data after translation.This was done by introducing CAT Tools, notably in the translation of the product database, without forgetting the update process as and when content was provided, such as collections, series, etc.).
- The team(often a specialist external service provider) responsible for the framework and the SEO strategy for integrating key words and expressions into the translations, and translating tags, Adwords advertisements, and landing pages.